
We are here for you

The KLARO Team

Michael Krone

Team lead sales

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 222
Mobil:    +49 163 6985 - 956

Responsible for North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Lower Saxony


Gerhard Christoph

Sales Representative

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 240
Mobil: +49 163 6985 - 820

Responsible for Lower Saxony, Hesse, Thuringia, Bavaria, Austria

André Born

Sales Representative

Mobil: +49 175 28 85 747

Responsible for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Berlin, Thuringia


Paetrick Aschmoneit

Sales Representative

Mobil: +49 151 148 022 11

Responsible for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein


Julian Ulbrich

Key Account Manager

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 270
Mobil: +49 163 6985 - 919

Responsible for Western Europe, South America, Central America, North America

Rainer Heichel

Key Account Manager

Telefon: +49 921 162 79 - 185
Mobil: +49 160 6986 - 880

Responsible for Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia, Oceania, Africa

Michael Krone

Team lead sales

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 222
Mobil:    +49 163 6985 - 956


Jutta Löhnhardt

Office duty

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 280

Julian Dedig

Trainee as industrial clerk

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 290

Annika Polster

Office duty

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 210

Stefan Prügel

Office duty

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 220

Lea Kraus

Office duty

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 260

Alexander Kaufmann

Technical manager, Graduate engineer

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 333
Mobil: +49 163 6895 - 784

Project support, development

Iwo Pilarski

Graduate engineer

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 340
Mobil: +49 163 6985 - 596

Denis Schäfer

Bachelor of Engineering

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 310
Mobil: +49 163 6985 - 785

Uwe Köhler

Graduate engineer

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 330
Mobil: +49 163 6985 - 900

Sarah Schreiber

Bachelor of Engineering

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 370

Jessica Zwezich

Complaint clerk

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 320

Edeltraut Smettons

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 120
Fax: +49 921 162 79 - 100

Information on specialist partners, general information

Anja Schmerbeck

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 420

Monika Hösch

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 410


Christian Eckert

Project manager

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 181
Mobile: +49 151 143 52 305


Lisa Merz

Specialist marketing

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 182


Thomas Schmidt

Production manager

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 450

Thomas Höcht

Production manager

Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 480

Sandra Schindler

Production employee

Berthold Görl

Production employee

Bernd Dressendörfer

Production employee

Berthold Grünthaner

Production employee

Wiatscheslaw Reisch

Production employee

Lukas Reimann

Production employee

Benedikt Wedl

Trainee as an electronics technician in industrial engineering

Tobias Pankse


Phone: +49 921 162 79 - 111
Mobile: +49 163 6985 - 938


Success can be measured

KLARO in numbers
- You can count on us.


Users worldwide


In over 80 countries


Specialists in Bayreuth