The recipe for success for KLARO clarification technology!

We develop and sell KLARO small wastewater treatment plants as well as wastewater treatment technology for larger plants according to defined principles. In this way, we permanently ensure our high standards in quality and service.

Technology principle

NO technology- NO pumps - NO electrical parts in the wastewater, because efficiency - longevity - sustainability come first!

In our wastewater treatment plants, the clarifier and the machine technology are always physically separated. This prevents the more sensitive electrical components from coming into contact with wastewater, dirt, aggressive gases, high humidity, insects, etc.
The machine technology is safely installed and easily accessible for the operator and the maintenance technician.  Great importance is attached to quality and durability. Thus, all components in the septic tank are made of wastewater-resistant plastic or stainless steel. mehr erfahren
The control cabinets are professionally built and equipped with high-quality compressors, modern stepper motor technology and smart control. mehr erfahren

Septic tank

  • Only simple robust components
  • Pumping via pneumatic lifter
  • Oxygen input via membrane aerator
  • No mechanical or moving parts in the wastewater
  • No electrical parts, no sensors in the wastewater

Machine technology

  • In the control cabinet outside the pit
  • No direct contact with wastewater
  • Easily accessible for operator and maintenance technician

Plant assembled according to individual requirements

Modular principle

When planning a wastewater treatment plant, in addition to official and constructional requirements, individual wishes of the customer naturally also play a role, such as the installation location of the control cabinet. We have approvals from building authorities as well as manufacturer's declarations certified by the PIA for all common effluent classes, various septic tanks, retrofit kits, control cabinets for indoor or outdoor installation and extensive accessories. In this way, each wastewater treatment plant can be individually assembled to meet the requirements. And if necessary, upgrades can also be made at a later date.

Distribution only through specialist partners

Specialist partner principle

Our wastewater treatment systems and separators are sold exclusively by competent and regularly trained specialist partners.

As a building owner you can

  • get information and advice → your contact person
  • enquire about regional specialist partners
  • make inquiries; which we then forward to our specialist partner
  • contact us for technical queries or troubleshooting → Your contact person

Our specialized partners take over

  • Consultation, site visits
  • Offer, sale
  • Installation, assembly and commissioning
  • Maintenance
  • Queries
  • Spare parts

Our specialized partners are

  • Installer
  • Maintenance companies
  • Plumbing wholesalers
  • Construction companies
  • Craft enterprises
  • Engineering offices

You would like to become a specialist partner?
To contact form

Success can be measured

KLARO in numbers
- You can count on us.


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In over 80 countries


Specialists in Bayreuth