Conversion and retrofitting of small wastewater treatment plants
Too loud? • Trouble with the authorities? • Increased requirements?
Does not comply with values? • Outdated? • High operating costs?
Constantly expensive repairs? • Constantly faults?
Are you aware of such problems with small sewage treatment plants?
Especially in regions where small sewage treatment plants have been established for decades, we as a manufacturer observe an increasing number of occurring problems.
The causes are numerous. From simple wear and tear to faulty, susceptible or outdated technology.
We have the solution!
The KLARO and KLARO One systems are ideal for a wide variety of conversion and retrofitting situations.
KLARO always pays special attention to flexibility in the (further) development of its fully biological SBR systems.
Convert to KLARO small sewage treatment plants now!
The recipe for success for our durable, low-wear sewage treatment plants is the separation of waste water and technology according to the KLARO principle:
No mechanics, no pumps and no live technology in the wastewater!
We offer you
Rebuilding ...
... of problem systems or replacement of faulty working parts
- Air-lift: reliable, robust, no wear
- Aerators: robust and durable, fine bubbles and effective, retractable
- Control: sophisticated and adaptable (many connection options)
- Valves: silent stepper motor technology
- Additional modules: Phosphate precipitation, UV disinfection, sand filtration, ...
Retrofitting ...
... of pits. Almost all types of pits can be retrofitted with KLARO systems.
Single-chamber pits can also be retrofitted with KLARO One!
New plants ...
... in monolithic containers.
The installation of new systems is also possible in different variants in plastic or concrete containers.
Case studies on retrofitting and upgrading
An old trickling filter plant was retrofitted with a 30 PE KLARO scaffolding set. The existing tank and the piping could continue to be used.
A failure-prone SBR system with pump technology was converted to compressed air technology. The electrical system is now safe and easily accessible in dry conditions.
Even three-chamber plastic pits can be retrofitted with a KLARO set-up kit. The installation parts can be flexibly adapted on site and fixed in the tank dome
A former concrete slurry pit was converted and retrofitted with a KLARO system.
An old trickling filter plant had to be repaired and extended from 12 to 25 PE. The two old tanks could still be used. A new SBR tank was installed downstream.
In this rectangular concrete pit, the dilapidated partition wall was removed and then a KLARO-One system was retrofitted. This system also functions as a single-chamber pit.