
Separation technology

KLARO grease separator KLsepa.pop
from NS 1 to NS 15

Almost every meal contains a wide variety of fats. This means that wastewater containing grease is produced during the preparation of meals and the cleaning of cooking and eating utensils. Before this is fed into the sewage system (or a wastewater treatment plant), the fat must be separated from the water in a grease separator. With the KLsepa.pop, KLARO offers a clever grease separator in a plastic container.


of the KLARO grease separator

  • All installation parts made of plastic
  • Volume-optimized compact grease separator
  • Up to nominal size (NS) 15
  • Compact sizes
  • Robust installation parts that are easy to view
Plastic tank
  • The container is seamlessly manufactured from one piece
  •  Low transport costs
  • Plastic top pieces, infinitely variable height and level compensation
  • Low maintenance costs due to easy to clean inner surface
  • No aging inner coating (corrosion resistant)

Grease separator KLsepa.pop
from NS 1 to NS 15

The KLARO grease separator KLsepa.pop is ideally suited for installation in the catering industry or butcher shops.

  • From NS3 to NS6 as a compact chamber with one entry (container Saphir).
  • From NS6 to NS15 in two tank sizes with two entrances each (tank Diamant)
  • Accessories: Upstream sludge trap in various sizes, warning systems, sampling chamber

Dimensions of separators in the sapphire tank

Description Pipe connection Volume Tank geometry Weight
  DN Grease storage Sludge storage Total Diameter


[mm] [l] [l] [l] [m] [m] [kg]
KLsepa.pop NS 1 - 200 110




1,13 1,04 35
KLsepa.pop NS 2 - 200/2 110 200 200 500 1,13 1,04 35

KLsepa.pop NS 2 - 200/3

110 300 200 730 1,16 1,34 55

KLsepa.pop NS 2 - 400

110 200 400 730 1,16 1,34 55

KLsepa.pop NS 2 - 500

110 300 500 1.025 1,16 1,67 67

KLsepa.pop NS 4 - 500

110 300 500 1.025 1,16 1,67 67


Dimensions of separators in the diamond tank

Description Pipe connection Volume Tank geometry Weight
  DN Grease separator Sludge storage Total Length Width


[mm] [l] [l] [l] [m] [m] [m] [kg]

KLsepa.pop NS 4 - 700

160 350 700 2.070 2,45 1,15 1,66 185
KLsepa.pop NS 7 - 700 160 350 700 2.070 2,45 1,15 1,66 185

KLsepa.pop NS 10 - 1500

200 600 1.500 3.160 2,45 1,40 1,90 240

KLsepa.pop NS 15 - 1500

200 600 1.500 3.160 2,45 1,40 1,90 240



of the KLARO grease separator


A grease separator works on the principle of phase separation. It consists of a separation area, a grease reservoir and a sludge trap. A downstream sampling point completes the separator to a separation plant. In the separator, the flow velocity of the wastewater is reduced so that solids - such as food residues - sink and settle in the sludge trap. The contaminants with lower density than water, i.e. fats and oils, float up to the water surface. The wastewater freed from grease leaves the separator via the drain pipe.
The choice of the nominal size of the separator is regulated in part 2 of EN 1825. In addition, the requirements of the wastewater regulations of the relevant authority must be observed.


The KLARO separator range is complemented by useful accessories, some of which are necessary for the operation of a separation system.

To separator accessories

Quality since 20 years

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- Upgrade to KLARO now!

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