Sizes of the plants
KLARO small wastewater treatment plants and larger treatment plants can be offered in different sizes.
We distinguish between three size ranges.
sewage treatment plants up to 50 PE (max. 7.5 m³/day) - small sewage treatment plants
- KLARO and KLARO One systems
- Practically tested according to DIN EN 12566-3
- With CE marking for complete systems
- With manufacturer declarations for complete systems
- With general building authority approvals for retrofit kits
Wastewater treatment plants 50 to 1,500 PE
(max. 225 m³/day)
- KLARO system up to 1,500 PE, whereby a road up to 500 PE (≤75 m³/d) is possible
- KLARO One system up to 600 PE (≤90 m³/d), whereby a road up to a maximum of 300 PE (≤45 m³/d) is possible
- Systems are individually dimensioned according to ATV-A 122 and DWA-A222
Wastewater treatment plants 1,000 to 5,000 PE
(max. 750 m³/day)
- KLARO MAX system, whereby a road up to a maximum of 2,500 PE is possible
- Systems are individually dimensioned according to DWA-A-131 and DWA-M-210
Success can be measured
KLARO in numbers
- You can count on us.
Users worldwide
In over 80 countries
Specialists in Bayreuth